Relationship between ‘Me & Others’ depends on whether we are totally Separate or One Integrated whole? Solving this riddle, is the purpose of both the Individual and the society and the question we’ve ...
Eating glass. Fire walking. Sword swallowing. These acts that shock and delight have roots in the real and mythical practices ...
In a historic resolution passed during its First General Assembly, the Indian Himalayan Council of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition (IHCNBT) has unanimously appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ...
So far 588 Indian antiquities smuggled out of the country have been secured back from the US, of which 297 were repatriated ...
The Union minister was also asked whether the government plans to collaborate with international organisations or other ...
As many as 588 antiquities have been repatriated to India from the US so far, out of which 297 were received in 2024, the government informed Parliament on Thursday. Union Culture Minister Gajendra ...
Armed with anecdotes, historical evidence, maps and slides, the author-historian outlined India's ancient soft power in his ...
Heritage tourism plays a crucial role in preserving the rich cultural and historical legacy of Uttarakhand, offering visitors ...
After having declared Prakrits to be classical, it is redundant to accord the status to the modern-day new Indic languages.
The Maharashtra government cannot de-notify Aurangzeb's tomb, as it is managed as a ‘Monument of National Importance’ by the ...
Some contemporary scholars have suggested adding a fifth category, the Upasanas, which involves worshiping these texts. The ...
While the core ingredients of paal payasam -- milk, rice, and sugar -- remain consistent, the preparation methods and added ...