Mathematician Dr. Steven Strogatz breaks down the history of the math concept and brings it full circle to recent science.
Pi Day is Friday, March 14. The relatively new holiday is a celebration of the mathematical calculation pi, or the infinite ...
A San Francisco bathhouse’s policy to restrict access to transgender individuals on select nights is now under review by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. Russian-style spa ...
The best binoculars for kids interested in stargazing and spotting wildlife in their backyard and beyond — from educational toys to quality optics for all ages. Whether they’re exploring the ...
Whether you’ve got antsy kids at home or in the classroom, a good board game can keep the little ones entertained for hours — not to mention help strengthen their critical-thinking skills.
But Why is a show led by you, kids! You ask the questions and we find the answers. It's a big interesting world out there.On But Why, we tackle topics large and small, about nature, words ...
To curate this list, he dives into Amazon Prime Video’s catalogue every month to surface family-friendly titles both kids and adults can enjoy — using his taste and a lifetime of cinema study ...
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[Martin] of [Wintergatan] is on a quest to create the ultimate human-powered, modern marble music machine. His fearless mechanical exploration and engineering work, combined with considerable ...