A community board in the Bronx took a non-binding vote to oppose the efforts by Bally's to place a casino in the New York ...
The government is planning to hike prices to curb the consumption of high-end and premium cigarettes, which has risen following a significant drop in lower-priced cigarette sales after the ...
The people have spoken on Bally’s plan for a Bronx casino, but that doesn’t mean it’s the final say. Bally’s Casino’s plan to build a casino at Ferry Point Park in the Bronx is still in play despite ...
Some people are happy over plans to convert the inline hockey rink to outdoor pickleball courts, but others who frequently ...
These round-ups are written on Fridays, and will not include an agenda if one hasn't been posted by 1 p.m. Municipalities are not required by the Michigan Open Meetings Act to provide an agenda in ...
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Council Chambers of Buckhannon City Hall, ...