But rather than dooming the rascally little critter to his Thanksgiving table, President Calvin Coolidge opened his home; Rebecca was spared, and the Coolidges had an unorthodox new pet.
Dear Readers: Wishing you all a very happy Presidents Day. Hope you are having the day off to relax and unwind. Here are some ...
What do you know about our nation’s 30th president? Pay a visit to Plymouth Notch, Vermont, home to one of the best-preserved ...
Although John F. Kennedy was the youngest man to be elected President in 1960 at the age of 43, Theodore Roosevelt became the ...
Coolidge believed the nation needed fewer, not more, programs regardless of their purpose. Calvin Coolidge was not a forceful leader in matters of foreign affairs and often deferred to his ...
Columbia reached a low temperature of 6 below zero Thursday morning, setting the city's record low temperature for Feb. 20, according to the National Weather Service. It breaks a 96-year-old record of ...
You would expect a Republican president to name-drop Ronald Reagan. Or Abraham Lincoln. Even Calvin Coolidge. But William McKinley?
The year Augustina Mendiola was born, Calvin Coolidge was being inaugurated as President of the United States for the second ...
The world was different. There were only 48 stars on the flag, Calvin Coolidge was president, Sears Roebuck & Co. opened its ...