The nations were trying to finalize updates to the 61-year-old Columbia River Treaty governing shared, cross-border water and ...
Research reveals most of the sites the Coalition has earmarked for nuclear power plants would be suitable for pumped ...
Candidates running for the Elgin City Council on April 1 provide bio information and answer questions related to why they’re ...
Overview: Raystown Lake, located in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, is the largest lake entirely within the state, spanning ...
Mangla Dam, one of the country's major reservoirs, reached its dead level of 1050 feet on Sunday, which will increase water shortage for the provinces for the remaining days of the Rabi season and ...
Workforce cuts could disrupt the federal government's ability to provide reliable electricity, supply farmers with water and ...
Energy Source Wind farms and hydroelectric dams stand as giants in the realm of renewable energy, each harnessing natural ...
On Highway 99 between Interstate 5 access ramps and 63rd Street is a turn-off rising up a grassy hill to the Bonneville Power Administration’s Ross Complex.
Grove, said the GRDA would use added borrowing leverage to decommission a coal-fired power generation facility and build two ...
Staff at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is recommending proposals to increase fish passage at four dams in ...
The report has been criticized by groups that worry the dams will result in the collapse of endangered Atlantic salmon and ...
China wants to build a space-based solar power station in orbit around Earth, and it could do so in the next 25 years.