With a commanding presence and a voice that carries across the water, this majestic bird reigns effortlessly from its ...
And typically, the word “eagle” is reserved for a score in golf that’s two-under-par. However, because golf happens in the ...
The first photo captured the eagle just before contact, with its wings spread and talons outstretched. Photo courtesy Andrew Chesser In the first photo, the eagle is dropping down onto the two birds, ...
Annual salmon runs provide an enormous bounty and Steller's sea eagle nests ... prey in their talons. They also stand in shallow water or on the ice and grab passing fish when the opportunity ...
When the storm began to clear the morning of Feb. 14, bald eagle dad Shadow came to the nest with a fish in his talons, the Friends of Big Bear Valley said in a Facebook post. “Shadow was so ...
He spotted a huge salmon just below the surface of the water, he plummeted to the river and caught the salmon with his mighty talons. But, the salmon was so big that even eagle’s strong wings could ...