Alaska state officials testified to lawmakers that "natural causes" are the leading cause of death for the high number of ...
Fairbanks, says it's an effort to cover some of the $800,000 annual cost of running what he described as an "underutilized" ...
As sunlight increases with spring, there are benefits to mental health, but some folks struggle the most at this time of year ...
The funding will cover this year's operations of the Sikuliaq, an ice-capable ship used for research cruises around Alaska.
One man's trash is an archaeologist's treasure — in other words, a lot can be discerned about a population’s habits and ways ...
For 49 hours, beginning at noon today, the University of Alaska Giving Day is seeking support for university programs. There ...
The University of Alaska Anchorage has removed its chief diversity officer and the University of Alaska Fairbanks closed a diversity center as the university moves to respond to a "changing federal ...
Forty years ago, it was a major day when the Palmer Carrs Mall opened in 1985. It was a big, big building with a big, big ...
The games are meant to celebrate Alaska Native culture through activities, some just for fun, others involving skills that ...
FAIRBANKS, Alaska (KTUU/KTVF) - The impact of salmon population decline on Alaska Native communities is among the multiple challenges leaders from 42 Interior communities are in Fairbanks to discuss ...
The Stewarts kept a series of reindeer — each named Star — that became Anchorage tourist attractions and a city fixture ... He and Star are a slice of familiar Alaska kitsch, taking frequent walks ...