including the first use of tanks. This documentary explores the brutal realities of the Somme, the strategic failures, and the long-term impact it had on the course of World War I. Federal judge ...
The historian A.J.P. Taylor summed up the battle: The Somme set the picture by which future generations saw the First World War; brave helpless soldiers; blundering obstinate generals; nothing ...
St John was posted to the Somme in 1916 where he was responsible for leading men more than twice his age into the biggest offensive of the war: an offensive which saw him injured on the first day ...
German soldiers at a remove from the front and the German general public at home were well aware of the horrors prevailing in France when the British and French launched a joint offensive along the ...
The Battle of the Somme lasted five months in 1916 and placed young men on both sides of the war in the middle of a protracted hell. Pictured here, Canadian soldiers returning from the trenches of ...
He was killed in 1916 at the Battle of the Somme, leaving behind a wife and ... also worked at Thornley pit before the First World War, but was exempt from war duties due to injury.