About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
Fruit. Although kiwi vines generally need a colder winter than Southern California’s in order to flower and fruit, the Fuzzy ...
Want to welcome an abundance of bees and butterflies to your garden this summer? Garden experts have revealed that planting agastache is the one thing you should do to encourage bees and butterflies ...
For decades, scientists have believed that meat-eating drove human evolution, particularly our enlarged brains. This carnivorous origin story has become so entrenched that few questioned it: our ...
Pay close attention to the flora and fauna growing around you. It may open you up to a world of wonder, appreciation and ...
The article highlights the role of various insects like flies, beetles, and wasps in pollination, which is crucial for the reproduction of flowering plants. Bees are well-known pollinators, but other ...
The Ruby-throated hummingbird is a small bird that’s bright green in color. Look out for males’ signature splash of red.
As we move into April and more butterfly species mature and take flight, you can incorporate a variety of early-blooming ...
In the study of why and how animals look the way they do, color is king—at least, the range of color humans can see.
To get an accurate soil sample, dig down to where the plant roots will be, and take eight to 10 samples across your gardening ...
Nasturtiums can also be used to suppress weeds and control pests on melon vines, but that’s not the only reason to try out ...
Considered one of the oldest cultivated plants, onions are thought to have originated in Central Asia. Green onions, also ...