Agribusiness leaders are taking a stand for grain bin safety as fatality rates remain high among entrapment cases.
Another opportunity to work with our public safety partners and watch and learn on some life saving measures should we ever ...
The Nebraska Corn Board (NCB) and Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB) are partnering to improve grain bin safety by donating two ...
On average, nearly two dozen people are killed each year in the U.S. in grain entrapment incidents. Flowing grain is dangerous, and behaves much like quicksand. In four seconds, a ...
The Kindred Fire Department and NDSU Extension stress grain bin safety during National Grain Safety Week, warning of ...
The Grain Weevil powered by JLI Robotics is a mobile robot that scurries across the top of the grain inside of a storage bin performing tasks that no human should ever do. The startup Is led by ...
During the episode Arick Baker, his family and the first responders retold the accounts of his rescue from an 80,000-bushel grain bin. “On a farm you are always around dangerous things,” Arick ...
“Safety should always be the top priority in grain handling facilities,” said Jess McCluer, NGFA’s Senior Vice President of Safety and Regulatory. “Stand Up for Grain Safety Week is an opportunity for ...
A Lennox mother and daughter in the South Dakota Air Guard will be deployed together. That's what makes them this week's Someone You Should Know.