The executive order most directly affecting gender-affirming care is the one that directly attempts to shut down ...
While COVID-19 dropped to the No. 14 leading cause of death in Michigan, some health professionals worry the state is ...
In fact, although never before so brutally and blatantly, the United States has bribed and bullied the WHO from the earliest ...
The initiative is aimed at meeting the UNAIDS 95-95-95 HIV testing, treatment and viral suppression targets that have been endorsed in South Africa's National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB, and STIs ...
The more than 90-minute address added up to an defiant sales pitch for the policies that he promised during his campaign and ...
South Africa faces its worst health crisis in 20 years. Worse than COVID, and one that will overshadow diabetes as a major ...
Early diagnosis and prompt antiretroviral therapy initiation are critical for children due to the rapid progression of HIV in ...
To reduce care disparities and prevent them from exacerbating among people living with HIV who have long COVID, education and ...
Older women with HIV face complex, intersectional challenges that warrant more support, according to a scoping review with ...
Without public health surveillance, officials trying to tackle outbreaks, identify threats and evaluate treatments are working ‘in the darkness of ignorance.’ ...