Observed raw eggs stored above ready-to-eat foods in the refrigerator. Chicken and shrimp were left unattended on the food ...
When nature decides to unleash its fury, being prepared can make all the difference. Whether it’s a blizzard, hurricane, or ...
Novak Djokovic returned to the tennis courts at the Indian Wells Masters but much like the Qatar Open return, it was a short-lived one. The Serb's stint at the Qatar Open ended after he was beaten ...
Hand-washing facilities must be adequately accessible ... Food products were missing their prep and discard dates. - The can opener needed to be cleaned. “Cooling shall be accomplished ...
“A sanitizer solution must be setup at all times ... Adequate strength for QAC is between 200-400 ppm. Hand-washing facilities must be adequately accessible and supplied with hand washing ...
“Doctor says that these first three days are key,” Harry said. “To not use this hand and not get it wet.” Jason agreed with Lara that Harry could still be of use. “Do what you can when ...
To celebrate his first month back in the White House, United States President Donald Trump took a victory lap of sorts before a large group of conservatives, where his former adviser was seen ...