The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) joined forces with The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America ...
School vouchers are a hot topic at the Texas Capitol, but Christian Democrat James Talarico has strong words for fellow ...
Federal housing authorities announced that a COVID-era emergency housing voucher is running out of cash — and there’s no plan ...
Renting or buying a home in Texas on a budget? Look beyond big cities for lower prices, take advantage of housing assistance ...
Through a program called Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing, the Boulder County Housing Authority can now help 90 veterans ...
As Trump reshapes the federal landscape, housing voucher recipients, landlords, and administrators brace for funding cuts and ...
As a single mother of five, Jala Rucker has depended on low-income housing to help to support her family. But with the ...
Tennessee State Education Board members voted Thursday on how to roll out the voucher program, where students can receive public tax dollars to attend private schools.
The package includes stiffer penalties for landlords who defy orders and institutional investors with large portfolios.
Sen. Ted Cruz has likened vouchers to “the civil rights issue of our time." But critics note they were used in the 1950s to fight integrated schools.
Trump’s push for school choice aims to give parents greater control over their children’s education, but the reality is far ...
The Syracuse Housing Authority is helping tenants find new housing in order to start massive project to redevelop ...