Bacteriologist Louis Pasteur, who kept kennels of mad dogs ... in the world has been responsible for so many bacteriological discoveries, largely directly applicable to preventive medicine.
Bacteria have mostly been portrayed as villains that make us sick, but the Human Microbiome Project showed that we share our body with an astounding number of bacteria.
Borne, science journalist Carl Zimmer roots the “mistake” in the past of a historically neglected field: aerobiology, or the science of airborne life. Zimmer begins his chronicle in the 19th century ...
The discovery is the result of a serendipitous ... of pyronaridine could be useful in fighting cancer cells. "Louis Pasteur said 'Chance favors the prepared mind.' When I looked closely at the ...
The discovery is the result of a serendipitous encounter at ... Aguilera realized that the molecular structure of pyronaridine could be useful in fighting cancer cells. “Louis Pasteur said ‘Chance ...
On March 24, 1882, a German physician and researcher, Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (1814-1910), announced the discovery of ...
The discovery is the result of a serendipitous encounter at ... Aguilera realized that the molecular structure of pyronaridine could be useful in fighting cancer cells. "Louis Pasteur said 'Chance ...
Here are 4 unfortunate scientists who made crucial discoveries but were dismissed during their ... It wasn’t until around 20 years later that Louis Pasteur’s germ theory inclined more people to wash ...
the medical details presented ‘with shots of test tubes and microscopes straight out of The Story of Louis Pasteur [1936],’ and the ending anticlimactic.” Maibaum complained (in an interview ...
With a team of highly experienced biotech entrepreneurs, the studio offers extensive expertise in novel drug discovery and development. The Institut Pasteur, a non-profit foundation with recognized ...