Economists must rethink their concepts of value and the means for creating it. The time has come to apply some Gandhian ...
Technology has become the linchpin in the evolution of the insurance industry. One of the key shifts is the digitisation of ...
Artificial Intelligence, Sharia Compliance, Islamic Finance, Islamic Financial Institutions, Accounting Practices Share and Cite: Shalhoob, H. and Babiker, I. (2025) Exploration of AI in Ensuring ...
DBS’s private banking business has achieved impressive growth, driven by a strategic focus on talent, client retention and a ...
How tax automation reduces costs, improves accuracy, and streamlines compliance—turning tax into a low-touch, high-ROI ...
The business world is being reshaped by entrepreneurs who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo and break boundaries. The ...
Kuwait City: Boursa Kuwait Securities Company (KPSC) held its Annual General Assembly meeting for the year ended 31 December ...
Zhongjie Yang, an alumnus of Columbia’s ERM program, shares how the program has helped him grow professionally, gain practical experience, and connect with industry leaders.
The theoretical foundation of water accounting is contained in the Water Accounting Conceptual Framework for the Preparation and ... users' confidence in evaluating water allocation and management ...
We need a unified approach to cyber risk management that integrates financial oversight with a cybersecurity strategy.
For decades, research has consistently shown that men and women approach investing differently. Women tend to be more risk-averse, invest less frequently in high-risk assets and prioritize financial ...
India is undergoing a period of rapid economic transformation, yet financial literacy among its youth remains alarmingly low.