In a nutshell Ferruaspis brocksi was found with its stomach contents, skin pigmentation, and even a parasitic mussel still ...
Residents of the Tuscany beach enclave of Orbetello are seeking a state of emergency declaration to help combat an invasion ...
Researchers in Australia have found ancient fossil fish that have been preserved in exquisite detail. Scientists in Australia ...
So far, 28,733 houses have been inspected, out of which dengue larvae were found in 1,417 houses. The officials said 109 teams were deployed under outdoor surveillance, which inspected 9,030 ...
This little insect lays its eggs inside of other hosts (hoverflys), which consumes the hoverfly larva from the inside out before bursting forth. Like a real life Alien! US deports French scientist ...
A question was asked during the meeting about whether the new apartments would fall under the criteria for affordable housing. Chief Community and Regional Planner Jill Seitz noted that those ...
The company’s streaming operation, which has 72 million subscribers, will be under scrutiny for not only subscriber growth but a long-awaited turn toward profitability. Watch on Deadline Peers ...
It will also explore actions taken in other jurisdictions and the role and enforcement responsibilities of councils. Key issues under consideration include: The review of the CA Act will be informed ...
A perfect storm centering around the one and only employee under the purview of the school board, the Superintendent. Dr. Marie Feagins. “You have to look at so many factors and the community ...
Aged care providers’ technology will be examined by a government-led taskforce in preparation for major changes to systems, amid concerns some companies are under prepared for landmark reforms. The ...
The team examined the insects under the microscope, documented how the two species interacted and performed a number of experiments. The blowfly larvae bodies have evolved to closely resemble ...