There are many feelings about what Ali Syverson just finished working on after being laid off from the U.S. Agency for ...
A sneak peek at upcoming San Diego community events, including street fairs, festivals, concerts, performances, art shows, ...
The El Respiro / Respire event at USC uses a large-scale human geochoreography to demand an urgent and equitable transition ...
A company named Sturgeon Bay Utilities unveiled a series of solar panel arrays designed to look like stars or sunflowers and ...
The structure of the Energy Tree replicates how trees develop naturally. A 13-year-old naturalist suggested that the solar panels be arranged to match the Fibonacci pattern, which regulates tree ...
Portugal is taking a leading role in advancing renewable energy with the start of key infrastructure upgrades for Eco Wave ...
Each participating school will be required to design or draw a poster indicating their understanding of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Five schools per region will be shortlisted, and the ...