Prosecutors in South Korea have launched an investigation into Bithumb, one of the country's largest cryptocurrency exchanges ...
About 20,000 officers in mobile police squads will be on standby for expected protests. Read more at
A well-connected metro system is essential for efficient urban transportation, reducing congestion, and providing a ...
South Korean police said Wednesday that they have decided to deploy 14,000 riot officers in the capital Seoul to respond to ...
Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is one of Asia’s most dynamic and modern metropolises. The seamless blend of ancient ...
According to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), snowfall reached 14 centimeters from 8 p.m. Monday to 6 a.m.
Rachel Linderman, a German resident of Seoul, was thrilled to hear the news that a new gondola lift will open as early as ...
This requires 100 per cent of police personnel to be on duty and suspends all leave. Read more at
The nation's air traffic autho­rities have banned drones from flying around the Consti­tutional Court in Seoul ahead of the ...
South Korea’s air traffic authorities will ban drones from flying around the Constitutional Court in Seoul from Thursday ...
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea's air traffic authorities will ban drones from flying around the Constitutional Court in Seoul ...
Ultrafine dust, the unwelcome March guest, arrives just as Koreans shake off winter and start enjoying outdoors With spring around the corner, South Koreans are bracing themselves for what has now ...