Ukraine has accused Russia of a cover-up over the spill of thousands of barrels of oil from two tankers that split in two ...
Activists say the spill - caused after two ships ran were battered by a storm - could cover an area of 400 sq km.
Satellite images reviewed by BBC Verify have shown a major oil slick spreading across the Kerch Strait that separates ... which are both over 50 years old, according to Marine Traffic.
The oil was released by two aging Russian tankers that were damaged during a heavy storm in the Kerch Strait on Dec. 15 ... collecting over 160,000 tons of contaminated sand and soil as well ...
A large-scale fuel oil pollution, likely caused by the sinking of Russian tankers in the Kerch Strait, has been discovered on the coast ... with the pollution stretching for over a kilometre. Quote: ...
Full passport control has been introduced at the entrance to the bridge across the Kerch Strait from the mainland Krasnodar Territory ... Read also: Russia loses over half of barge barriers along ...