Some local elementary students took a special field trip today to embrace the art of music. The nonpartisan advert encourages ...
PEOPLE has an exclusive peek at rare behind-the-scenes photos from the set on 'The Sound of Music,' as the beloved Julie ...
From the hills of the opening scene to the mountain over which they escape, here’s how to follow in the footsteps of the von ...
Now, just in time for spring, about to drop his latest collection, soccer star an businessman Mohamed Coulibaly met with me ...
The Ozarks were alive with the SOUND OF MUSIC when Arts One Presents filled The Medium, 214 South Main Street, in Springdale ...
Some of the talent behind the play and the movie was Jewish. Its screenwriter, Ernest Lehman, was Jewish. Two Jews, Rodgers ...
On location in Austria, rain held up the shooting of The Sound of Music for days. “It wasn’t supposed to take as long as it ...
As SOUND OF MUSIC turns 60 this month, we want to celebrate this beautiful movie by sharing some fun facts about it that may ...
The Sound of Music” is so stacked with classic songs that just seeing their titles produces the same dizzying sensation as a deep breath of thin alpine air: “My Favorite ...
"You could make a very strong argument that no one in the history of the state has done more for young violinists in Utah ...
I remember the moment I got interested in music. I was 10 years old, sitting in a friend’s attic in our eastside Dayton neighborhood. His teenage brother played a 45 rpm single of Elvis Presley ...