Approximately 1,163 Wisconsinites are listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. Now, with a traveling exhibit at the Peplin Memorial VFW Post 8280 in Kronenwetter, they’re being ...
President Donald Trump’s executive order ending diversity, equity and inclusion efforts within the federal government has ...
While he may have grown up with asthma, Glenn Swearingen was able to hide his diagnosis from U.S. Army doctors and, together with all of the other boys in his Pe Ell High School graduating class, was ...
Four Arizona members of Congress are calling on the Defense Department to restore website articles on Pfc. Ira Hayes and Army ...
A tour led by an 88-year-old guide in Bastogne, Belgium, scene of a critical battle of World War II, offers a snapshot into ...
Andrew Biggio met his goal of having 500 veterans sign his M1 Garand Rifle before sending it to the Smithsonian.
He was 93. He was an authentic American hero right out of central casting. Born in 1931 to poor, working-class Boston Irish parents, he grew up during World War II in a neighborhood under the flight ...
Paul Hughes will fulfil a dream by headlining a bill at the SSE Arena Paul Hughes is to headline a bill at SSE Arena in Belfast on 10 May with a special homecoming bout. Belfast will be the first ...
51 years ago today, Hiroo Onoda, the Japanese infantryman holdout finally surrendered 29 years after the end of World War II ... that honors prominent women heroes. They also offered a bald ...
But for those looking for a more immersive viewing experience, opting for chronological viewing allows fans to understand the official timeline, from 1942 during World War II with Captain America ...