US officials have expressed optimism a Ukraine-Russia ceasefire deal could be reached in “weeks,” as President Donald Trump ...
Ukrainian forces have pulled almost entirely out of the Kursk region of Russia, ending an offensive that had stunned the ...
It is the first photograph of the pope since he was hospitalized on Feb. 14 with a severe case of bronchitis, which developed ...
President Trump and most members of his administration steered clear of the annual Gridiron Club dinner on Saturday, where ...
Vaidotas Urbelis, defense policy director at Lithuania’s Ministry of Defense, warned that Russia only understands negotiating ...
It’s been about five years and more than 1.2 million American deaths since COVID-19 started killing people, but the frenzy of ...
For the first time in 83 years, the storied Voice of America is being silenced,” Michael Abramowitz, the organization's ...
Ford and Chevrolet wage one of the most intense rivalries in the auto world. The roots of the conflict go back nearly as long ...
The unlawful detention and arrest of Columbia graduate Mahmoud Khalil could be "the case through which fascism and ...
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Our governor allowed the 'What is a Woman Act' to be entered into law without his signature.
The Vatican on Sunday released the first photograph of pope in more than a month, showing Pope Francis wearing a purple ...