The site consists of the Ida Saxton McKinley House, the family home of First Lady Ida Saxton McKinley, and the longtime residence of President William and Ida McKinley. It also includes First Ladies ...
William McKinley, entombed there alongside his wife, Ida. And just next door you can learn more about McKinley's life. An animatronic figure of McKinley welcomes you: "It has been some time since ...
And it is perhaps appropriate that, in pursuing his heady aims, he should single out for praise and guidance William McKinley of Ohio — a Civil War hero, congressman, and governor twice elected ...
President William McKinley is having his biggest moment since 1928, when his face was printed on the $500 bill. For the last few decades, only a smattering of quirky historians and cult devotees have ...
When he emerged from the Alaskan interior, the first news he heard was that William McKinley, the former governor of Ohio, had received the Republican nomination for president. And so, in the kind ...
Reciprocal trade policy as envisioned by President William McKinley, whom Mr. Trump often cites as his role model, recognized that by the dawn of the 20th century America had emerged as an ...
Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images/Christopher Katsarov Luna/Bloomberg News/Yuri Gripas/Zuma Press Donald Trump mentioned two presidents in his Second Inaugural Address: William McKinley and ...
When President Donald Trump pulled William McKinley from the outer reaches of American history and hailed his presidency as a model for today’s U.S. leadership, he harked back to the far-distant ...
Since President William McKinley’s once-upon-a-time mediocrity was exceeded only by his present-day obscurity, few observers grasped the real significance of Trump’s remarks. To correct such a ...
In his inaugural address, Trump harked back to William McKinley, the 25th US president, who was in office from 1897 until he was assassinated in 1901. The McKinley tariff protection era in the US ...