Have you ever met someone and instantly know their political views by how they sip their oat milk latte or rock a NASCAR hat? You’re engaging in political projection—the fine art of assuming that ...
Pot of pasta with meat sauce and a wooden spoon. Text reads "Just made about 15 servings of the worst pasta I have ever had in my entire life." Two people in a car look surprised at bright headlights.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that Pedro Pascal could sell us just about anything. Need a security escort across a post-apocalyptic wasteland? He’s your guy.
Of course, the intergalactic franchise is sacrosanct as a cultural institution, so the president of Lucasfilm — home to “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones” — has one of the most prestigious posts in ...
A life-size Yoda statue serves as the bar's focal point ... "This is the kind of place where anyone, no matter what their background is, can drop their problems at the door, meet new friends ...
Disney's Star Wars may have faults, but it has provided valuable context for some of Star Wars' oldest stories, including ...
You can glimpse the shadowy figure lurking in the background as Ewan McGregor gets ... Despite the unspeakable Yoda puppet, more endless politicking and some iffy CGI, the arrival on Coruscant ...