The incident marked North Korea’s first missile launch in over two months after Kim’s regime shot off two ballistic missiles that it said could carry 4.5 ton-class super-large warheads on July 1.
Desperate Russians have deployed wolves raised by an animal handler on their frontline to help detect approaching kamikaze drones, including animals rescued from Siberia ...
The RS-28 Sarmat, a vaunted leg of Russia's nuclear strategy, appears to have suffered a fourth failed launch test on ...
“By all indications, it was a failed test. It’s a big hole in the ground,” Pavel Podvig, an analyst based in Geneva, who runs ...
A huge crater has appeared at launch silo of the Sarmat, an ICBM designed to deliver nuclear warheads to targets as far as ...
Vladimir Putin was left red-faced after satellite images showed the moment the nuclear-capable Sarmat RS-28 missile exploded ...
A Russian missile once heralded as the “world’s deadliest weapon” failed to launch for the fourth time on Saturday, exploding ...
Russia appears to have suffered a “catastrophic failure” in a test of its Sarmat missile, a key weapon in the modernization ...
The tests of the Sarmat missile, dubbed Satan 2 on a training ground in Russian territory, ended in complete failure.
The incident occurred at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, 800 km north of Moscow, while the missile was being refuelled.
Maxar satellite images from 21 September show a crater about 60 meters wide at the launch silo at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in ...
Russia previously claimed that the RS-28 Sarmat ICBM, also known as Satan-2, had been placed on "combat alert," but this ...