Vouchers would let parents use public funds to pay for their kids’ private education. Learn about how they could work and the ...
The Senate could vote on the proposal as soon as next week. Democrats on Tuesday criticized the bill saying it fails to ...
The proposal, a priority of Gov. Greg Abbott, budgets $1 billion over the next two years to fund the private school vouchers.
State Rep. Monty Fritts was only legislator representing Oak Ridge that came to Oak Ridge League of Women Voters event.
Tennessee voters amended the state Constitution to create a Lottery that would fund academic scholarships for students.
Also, former state Sen. Brian Kelsey filed a motion to vacate his campaign finance scheme charges. Here's what to know this ...
School voucher advocates say it's a civil rights issue, while critics warn the programs elsewhere have led to significant ...
Tennessee General Assembly will consider a bill to expand school vouchers across the state. Lawmakers should reject it and ...
What would it look like to give students more options? In South Texas and elsewhere, collaborations among rural districts ...
In the first full day of committees during Tennessee's special legislative session, Republicans pushed an expanded school ...
Texas House and Senate released a budget to set $1 billion of our tax dollars to go towards education savings accounts ...