Breakthroughs in our development of nuclear interactions rooted in QCD, many-body methods, and novel AI/machine learning techniques are transforming modern nuclear theory into a true predictive, first ...
Après avoir lancé en novembre dernier un appel international à candidatures en collaboration avec le centre d’art Copenhagen Contemporary, Arts at CERN a annoncé que Martyna Marciniak avait remporté l ...
Spring has arrived and the lure of the great outdoors grows as the days get longer and warmer. This also means the return of ticks: little parasitic mites, whose bites can have severe consequences for ...
Le printemps est arrivé et l’envie de grand air grandit à mesure que les jours s'allongent et se réchauffent. Cela signifie également le retour des tiques : de petits acariens parasites dont les piqûr ...
Following an international open call launched in collaboration with Copenhagen Contemporary in November, Arts at CERN has ...
The North Experimental Area is the largest experimental facility at CERN in terms of surface area and offers a diverse program of R&D tests and experiments in the field of particle and nuclear physics ...
In the Standard Model, the Z boson acquires its mass of around 91 GeV through its gauge interaction with the vacuum energy of the Higgs field. Including higher order corrections the Z mass is ...
Le « pointeur laser » désigne un petit dispositif laser pouvant être tenu en main, qui émet un rayonnement laser dans le but d'indiquer des objets et des endroits. Depuis le 1er juin 2019, seuls les p ...
The top quark mass is one of the key fundamental parameters of the Standard Model that must be determined experimentally. Its value is essential for testing the self-consistency of the Standard Model.
Au CERN, les faisceaux de particules sont accélérés crescendo selon le principe de la course de relais (où chaque coureur est ...
At CERN, beams of particles are accelerated faster and faster, just like a relay race (where each runner is faster than the ...