“That’s according to the findings of a new, large study that was published … by JAMA Network Open and build upon numerous other recent studies concluding that any amount of alcohol consumption is ...
We begin, as God does, with compassion. The Hebrew word is closely related to the word for “womb”; it speaks of the intense ...
“The Times seemed to state this somewhat derisively, but that ‘warmth’ is why Americans eagerly and loyally watched the show for nine seasons and 210 episodes—and have been enjoying it in reruns ever ...
Pastors should be training their successors. New pastors rise from churches, not seminaries. Paul told Timothy to look for ...
Relevant. Sermons need to help listeners see how right beliefs, desires, and actions contrast with the wrong beliefs, desires ...
“How can we properly guard against it? I am glad you asked because the father continues. He writes: ‘May your fountain be blessed… may you ever be intoxicated with her love’ ” ( Prov 5:18-19) - DBTS ...
“Leading proponents of Confessional Bibliology have taken another step that the IFB KJV defenders have not… insistence that the Hebrew Masoretic Text has been kept pure in all ages like the New ...
“More than six-in-ten Americans (63%) would instead prefer to see the winner of the presidential election be the person who wins the most votes nationally. Roughly a third (35%) favor retaining the ...
“IVF separates the unitive and procreative goods of sex, a separation that is not morally neutral. IVF can treat humans as a product, the sort of being it is right to produce or manipulate. At times, ...
“Our situation is different from Moses’, of course, but I think it’s important we daily ask God to help us see a glimpse of who He is and what He’s doing.” - Chuck Lawless ...
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree ...
Sad to say, it is not always so easy when one is dealing with supercessionists. Although they are not all guilty of it, many of them—in both Reformed and Non-Reformed camps—are hard to deal with when ...