WORK to create a new Crematorium in the south of Bradford has reached a major milestone. The new crematorium off Shetcliffe Lane in Bierley will replace Scholemoor Crematorium when it opens.
A Bradford resident is locked in a bizarre disagreement with his social housing landlord - over the issue of strawberries!
Bradford City Women remain right in the hunt for the league title, after they hammered rock-bottom Hull United 7-1 at Horsfall on Sunday.
Changes to the Bill include a provision for assisted dying to be provided on the NHS and expert panels replacing High Court judge approval.
Keighley Albion and West Bowling were both involved in epic National Conference League games on Saturday, but one side was happier than the other.
Keighley boxer Ibrahim Nadim is set to take on Lancashire ace Josh Holmes for the English super featherweight title at some point before August.
BRADFORD Bulls made their return to competitive action on Sunday, but they endured a difficult day at Swinton Lionesses in the ...
Sophie and Ms Phillips will travel to Brussels on Wednesday, where European politicians are gathering to draw attention to the harms children face.
The singer, who represented the UK at the 2022 Eurovision competition, lost out to Ed Sheeran for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics in 2023.
Ireland’s deputy premier is to reaffirm “unwavering commitment” to the UN’s peacekeeping mission in Lebanon and the nation’s security and stability. Simon Harris is visiting Lebanon this week against ...
The Gavin & Stacey creators will discuss the origins of the sitcom, its success and its record-breaking Christmas special at the Hay Festival.