On 24 November 2024, the people of Switzerland will vote on the Federal Decree on the 2023 expansion programme for the ...
Bern, 01.10.2024 - On 1 October, representatives of the countries that belong to or are associated with the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) gathered in Geneva to celebrate its 70th ...
Dübendorf, St. Gallen und Thun, 01.10.2024 - Widespread skin diseases such as psoriasis or neurodermatitis are difficult to treat. Together with an industrial partner, Empa researchers have found an ...
Bern, 01.10.2024 - On 1 and 2 October, experts from Europe and North America will exchange views on current security policy developments and challenges at the Warsaw Security Forum (WSF). Switzerland ...
This October, Switzerland assumes the presidency of the UN Security Council for the second time during its 2023–2024 term. Amid ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine, Sudan, and numerous other ...
Neuchâtel, 01.10.2024 - Services turnover adjusted for working days fell by 1.6% in July 2024 compared with the same month last year. This downward trend was mainly due to "Wholesale and retail trade” ...
Turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays rose in the retail sector by 1.9% in nominal terms in August 2024 compared with the previous year. This was the sharpest increase since June 2024.
Ils 24 da november 2024 vegn la populaziun a votar davart la midada dals 29 da settember 2023 dal Dretg d'obligaziuns (dretg ...
Ils 24 da november 2024 vegn la populaziun a votar davart la Midada da la Lescha federala davart l'assicuranza da malsauns ...
Ils 24 da november 2024 vegn la populaziun a votar davart il conclus federal dals 29 da settember 2023 davart il pass da ...
Berne, 01.10.2024 - Les représentants des États membres de l’Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN) et des États qui collaborent avec elle se sont réunis le 1er octobre 2024 à Genè ...
Bern, 01.10.2024 - Repräsentantinnen und Repräsentanten der Staaten, die der Europäischen Organisation für Kernforschung CERN angehören oder mit ihr verbunden sind, haben am Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2024, ...