CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile ...
Here you can find the new arrivals in the CWI Library. If you would like to order a book, please let us know, or visit the library on the first floor.
After two years of COVID-19 we all know that communicating through a flat screen is exhausting. Since long before that, Pablo Cesar, group leader of CWI's DIS group and professor at TU … CWI ...
Apart from a scientific semester programme CWI organizes mini-symposia, masterclasses, lectures with renowned speakers, hackathons and data challenges. Additionally, we organize and host other regular ...
Tamara Florijn is a PhD student in the Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Group at CWI, under supervision of Tim Baarslag and Pinar Yolum. She focuses her research on multi-agent negotiation, ...
"How many people were ever born on earth?", a reader asked the magazine Quest. On request CWI researcher Peter Grunwald made an estimate of 107.5 billion. The Erlang Prize is to honour the best ...