A star player is being targeted by Saudi clubs, who are making exorbitant offers exceeding 30 million per season.
Dani Ceballos faces an uncertain future after an injury that puts his departure from Real Madrid on hold, just as his name ...
Dani Ceballos enfrenta un futuro incierto tras una lesión que congela su salida del Real Madrid, justo cuando su nombre ...
Perder a Trent Alexander Arnold como objetivo para el próximo verano ha hecho que la dirección deportiva busque alternativas ...
Losing Trent Alexander Arnold as a target for next summer has led the sports management to seek alternatives for the right ...
This football player was expecting a different situation, but is not even having the opportunity to show what he's worth.
El Borussia Dortmund ha fijado su mirada en una prometedora joya del fútbol inglés de solo 19 años, listo para dar el salto a ...
Borussia Dortmund has set its sights on a promising 19-year-old English football gem, ready to make the leap to a top league.
A Dutch young man who competes in the Eredivisie has attracted the interest of Bayern Munich and Manchester United.
Below is the list of footballers who are competing in South America and who earn the most money for each season they play.
El conjunto merengue no cuenta con él para lo que resta de temporada. Ayudarán a cerrar su salida.
Manchester City has made the decision to sign a midfielder in the winter transfer market.