The election result is less than two hours old and the battle for possible coalition options is already raging. Is the motto ...
An expert from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation believes the war has "already arrived in Lebanon." It remains to be seen ...
For a long time, City Hall's housing program had the problem that nothing was visible. But the former promises are ...
While SPG Lustenau/Dornbirn were delighted with a surprising point at second-placed Austria Wien, the Altach girls were ...
A funereal mood prevailed at 5 pm in the party headquarters of the Styrian SPÖ. Styrian top candidate Jörg Leichtfried and ...
On November 24, Styria will elect a new state parliament. After two election victories, the Styrian Freedom Party is more ...
Ein Experte der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung sieht den Krieg „bereits im Libanon angekommen.“ Ob die Lage im ganzen Nahen Osten ...
Beinahe mit einer Tragödie endete am Sonntag eine Motorsportveranstaltung im Zillertal. Ein Teilnehmer (50) rammte mit seinem ...
Unschöne Szene vom Rad-WM-Straßenrennen in Zürich. Julian Alaphilippe  stürzte und zog sich eine Schulterverletzung zu, die ...
A motorsport event in the Zillertal valley almost ended in tragedy on Sunday. A participant (50) rammed his car into the ...
Styria's Greens are in disarray: the losses at national level are considerable, and the drop in Styria is also significant.
An unpleasant scene from the World Cycling Championship road race in Zurich. Julian Alaphilippe crashed and suffered a ...