There’s space in our spring programs, earn new skills and try something fun! For children check out spring camp, home alone course and bike trail ride. For adults try our archery course or wilderness ...
April 16 to 22 is Volunteer Week. Congratulations and thank-you to all staff who volunteer in our community. Your efforts help to make St. John’s a great place to live, learn, work, play and visit.
The application is a Service Shop for a beauty salon. The floor area will be approximately 88.14m² and operate Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., and Sunday, 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. Off-street parking is ...
The City has received an application to rezone a portion of land at 425 Blackmarsh Road, between 48 and 56 Welland Street, from the Apartment 2 (A2) Zone to the Residential 3 (R3) Zone to create one ...
The proposed application is a change of Non-Conforming Use from a Dentist Office to a Retail Use. The business will occupy a floor area of approximately 96m 2. Hours of operation are Monday to ...
Garbage put out at the curb for collection must be completely covered from April 1 through November 30. Acceptable methods of covering garbage include using nets or containers (metal or plastic) with ...
At its core, the City of St. John’s brand is a promise rooted in a set of core values. Elements such as our logo, campaigns, public services, and daily interactions between residents, visitors, and ...
The City of St. John’s is adjusting its social media presence following a review of platform performance and engagement. The City will deactivate its corporate X (formerly Twitter) account, along with ...
There’s space in our adult & older adult programs! Looking to explore something new or revisit a hobby? We've got something for you! Join us for paint nights, learn to knit, bridge (level 3), ukulele ...
Over the past week, we have received many questions on the Outer Battery light issue. This blog post answers your questions and explains Council’s position. “Where, in the opinion of the city medical ...
Downtown Business District: 4 to 6 a.m. on Water Street (from Waldegrave Street to Prescott Street) and Duckworth Street (from New Gower to Cochrane Street) Streets outside the designated downtown ...
The City of St. John's requested an independent investigation into allegations of conflict of interest involving Councillor Ron Ellsworth. The allegations relate to a piece of property on Goldstone ...