Confluent | The Data Streaming Platform
The Confluent Data Streaming Platform powers innovation across your entire organization with enriched, trustworthy, and contextualized real-time data anywhere and at any scale.
About Confluent
Confluent is creating a new paradigm for real-time data streaming to help organizations set data in motion. Learn about our company, our mission, and our people.
Confluent Platform: Data Streaming for the Enterprise
Upgrading from Apache Kafka to Confluent is easy. Get started today for free and start setting your data in motion.
What is Apache Kafka®? - Confluent
Founded by the original developers of Kafka, Confluent delivers the most complete distribution of Kafka, improving Kafka with additional community and commercial features designed to enhance the streaming experience of both operators and developers in production, at massive scale.
Confluent Platform Overview
Confluent Platform is an enterprise grade and full-scale data streaming platform that builds on the features of open-source Apache Kafka and enables you to easily access, store, and manage data as continuous, real-time streams.
Confluent Careers
Confluent’s data streaming platform turns real-time data events into outcomes, enables intelligent, real-time apps, and empowers teams and systems to act on data instantly.
Try Free Confluent: Managed Kafka on Any Cloud
Start your Kafka cluster or download Confluent to unlock a cloud-native Kafka rebuilt as a fully managed data streaming platform.
Confluent Cloud: Fully Managed Kafka as Service
See why Kora engine powered Confluent Cloud is 10x easier, safer and better than Apache Kafka.
Confluent Documentation
Find the guides, examples, and tutorials for Confluent features, including the Kafka consumer or the Kafka CLI tools.
Kafka | Confluent Documentation
Clients make it fast and easy to produce and consume messages through Apache Kafka. Official Confluent clients are available for Java, along with librdkafka and derived clients.