Newport–Inglewood Fault - Wikipedia
The Newport–Inglewood Fault is a right-lateral strike-slip fault [1] in Southern California. The fault extends for 47 mi (76 km) [1] (110 miles if the Rose Canyon segment is included) from Culver City southeast through Inglewood and other coastal communities to Newport Beach at which point the fault extends east-southeast into the Pacific Ocean.
Southern California Earthquake Data Center at Caltech
Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone. TYPE OF FAULT: right-lateral; local reverse slip associated with fault steps LENGTH: 75 km NEAREST COMMUNITIES: Culver City, Inglewood, Gardena, Compton, Signal Hill, Long Beach, Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa MOST RECENT SURFACE RUPTURE: March 10, 1933, MW6.4 (but no surface rupture)
Southern California Earthquake Data Center at Caltech
Faults Map; Significant S. Cal Earthquakes; S. Cal Faults (Jennings 1994) Earthquake Preparedness; Educational Resources; Southern California Seismicity; ... Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone Newport-Inglewood - Rose Canyon Fault Zone North Branch San Andreas Fault North Frontal Fault Zone (of San Bernardino Mountains)
Map of seismic-reflection track lines | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
Jun 29, 2021 · Colored slope map showing seismic-reflection track lines (black) and active faults (red): PVF - Palos Verdes fault zone; NIF - Newport-Inglewood fault zone; SPBF - San Pedro Basin fault; SDTF - San Diego Trough fault.
Long Beach and Seal Beach Seismic Hazard - web.gps.caltech.edu
The red lines are the mapped Newport-Inglewood Fault. As a partial confirmation of the connection between seismicity and the new faults, a comparison of the seismic swarm shown in Figure 1, is shown with the faults in Figure 6.
Earthquakes | City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach, California
Some of the better-known faults include the Sierra Madre, Newport-Inglewood, Whittier, Elsinore, Hollywood, and Palos Verdes faults. Of these, the Newport-Inglewood fault zone extends through the southwestern portion of Newport Beach (see Map 6.1), whereas the Whittier fault, although not extending through the city is sufficiently close to ...
Quaternary Fault and Fold Database of the United States
As of January 12, 2017, the USGS maintains a limited number of metadata fields that characterize the Quaternary faults and folds of the United States. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the interactive fault map. Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon fault zone, south Los Angeles Basin section (Class A) No. 127b
(a) Regional fault map. The red box in the inset shows the …
Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon (NIRC) fault zone poses a significant hazard to coastal Southern California because of its close proximity to some of the most densely populated regions...
Living with the Newport-Inglewood Fault – South Bay History
Jul 21, 2018 · The Newport-Inglewood Fault was first identified and mapped by seismologists following a magnitude-4.9 quake centered just west of Inglewood on June 21, 1920. Though no deaths were recorded as a result of the temblor, it impacted many buildings in the area, causing more than $100,000 in damages.
(PDF) Structure of the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon Fault …
Faults and landmarks mentioned in this paper are denoted on the map. The blue lines are Holocene to latest Pleistocene faults from the U.S.G.S. Quaternary Fault and Fold Database [U.S. Geological Survey and California Geological Survey, 2006], and the red lines are the mapped Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon fault zone based on new and reprocessed ...